Feb 24, 2010


, originally uploaded by JasonChamberlain.

What is True Freedom
Reverend Heng Sure, Ph.D (恆實法師)

One of the things that I have really started noticing in my friends, family and others in general is a lack of contentment. People just seem to not be truly happy with what they have. I know this isn't breakthrough stuff but this really is the heart of our problems… not being content is very closely related to greed. 

Advertising is designed to sell you products based on a desire they create in you of your "lacking" or your "insufficiencies." Companies want to succeed and in order to do that, they have to sell you on the idea that you "need" their product or service. Most people would call buying things you don't truly need a form of greed… I fully agree. Greed really causes so many of the problems we face in our lives. By seeking for more, we tend to neglect the things we already have and we end up wasting time, effort and money pursuing that insatiable urge to have the "latest and greatest."

I know most of this is elementary stuff and we all recognize these things. The problem is that we don't do anything about it! We nod our heads and agree, but when it comes time to cutting back, no one is willing. No one wants to be without. In our minds, we've come to accept this idea that if we don't buy everything that piques our interest or appeals to our sense of "want," then we'll suffer greatly… Its funny how quite the opposite is true. And this doesn't just apply to material possessions. 

This video, although long, really covers this. Reverend Heng Sure is an American who was ordained under the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (宣化上人) in 1975. In an effort to change his own heart and mind and reduce the amount of greed, anger and stupidity in the world, Reverend Heng Sure took a vow bow once ever three steps from Los Angeles to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Ukiah. The pilgrimage took nearly 3 years and covered more than 800 miles of the California coast. Since then, Reverend Heng Sure has been studying, cultivating and lecturing around the world since he is fluent in Chinese, Japanese and French and holds a MA from UC Berkley in Oriental Languages.

I really do hope you'll spend the time and watch this lecture. Reverend Heng Sure has been a monk for over 30 years and he is doing all he can in order to help make Buddhism more accessible and comprehendible to "Westerners." He's actually put out an album of American Buddhist Folk Music and you can download the entire album absolutely free at this website - http://berkeleymonastery.org/fazang/paramita/
All he asks for in exchange is an act of kindness and that you share it with the site. 

I don't mean for this post, one of very few, to sound like I'm just trying to spread the word about Reverend Heng Sure's work and music, but I really have learned so much from his lectures and his music has really changed the way I look at life. 

I'll do more posts about each song and some of the messages in them, but I encourage you to download the FREE album and listen and share what you learn. Post your insights as comments or post them to my Facebook wall. 

So, here's what I have to ask you to do:

1- Watch the video in it entirety and really listen as best you can
2 - Download the Buddhist Folk Music album and contribute your act of kindness
3 - Try, for at least one day, to be more content. Don't feed into your greed and instead look at why you feel that you "want" more.

Don't worry so much about doing things perfectly. Just try your best. Do whatever you can as best you are able. You won't always succeed, but you'll have done all you can to figure it out :-)

Here are the lyrics to "Satisfied Mind" which is the song Reverend Heng Sure mentions in the video:

"Satisfied Mind"

(By Rhodes & Hayes)

How many times have you heard someone say 
"If I had his money, I could do things my way?" 
Little they know that it's so hard to find 
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind. 

Once I was winning in fortune and fame 
Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life's game 
Suddenly it happened, I lost every dime 
But I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind 

Money can't buy back your youth when you're old 
Or a friend when you're lonely, or a love that's grown cold 
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times 
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind 

When my life is ended, my time has run out 
My trials and my loved ones, I'll leave them no doubt 
But one thing's for certain, when it comes my time 
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind 
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind 

Go get 'em. Do the work. Try your best.

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